Performance Charts

This section enables you to view the charts for TTR Performance, MTTR performance and Network Availability.

  1. On the Service Management Reporting home page, click Performance tab.

  2. image29.gif

    Performance charts display by default


  3. Select one or more filter criteria.

  4. SMR_Performance_Charts_1_Updated.png

  5. Click the Apply button to view the performance charts based on the selected filter criteria.

  6. Click Select View Type drop down and select Ticket to switch to tickets view.


image32.gifNote:   To view the customer defined groups score card, image33.gif present at the top of page. You will see the same set of reports but the only difference is you can see customer defined group drilled down as CDG Name drop-down menu in the Filter Criteria section. The customer defined groups are created in Service Management Dashboard.